About Me

I hope you found the emissions project work interesting and maybe enlightening as I did during my research and analysis of the datasets. This study came about following a Cambridge Spark Data Analysis bootcamp that I attended in January 2024 for eight weeks. During this bootcamp,  I was introduced to a  number of new and interesting technologies, such as Pandas and techniques in Python such as the use of APIs. I was able to combine some my new skills together with my previous technical skills to successfully master the various challenges that we were set on the bootcamp. However, for the past four years, I also undertook a number of projects of my own, challenging myself to create practical applications that solved specific tasks that either me or my family faced at that time and I would like to share some of those projects with you.

Thank you for taking the time to access my portfolio and take and interest in the body of work that I have undertaken. If you have any questions and you would like to contact me, please use the contact page

Cambridge Spark Data Analytics Bootcamp

During the bootcamp we covered Python programming, analysis techniques and visualisation using Pandas, predictions and other maths for data analysis, storytelling and presenting with data and completed with a Hackathon. Here is a sample of some of the work that undertaken individually and in groups during the bootcamp.